Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rumor or news - stock spam for ONCO

Interesting style of spam for ONCO. Obviously don't buy ONCO stock!

Rum,or N-e_w*s-:

Onc'_ology M e'd . I+n+c'. ( OTC: O'NCO) a Canc+er Treatm.e.nt Sol+utio ns G'roup is s a-i_d to h-a+v,e e'xper_ienced o v-e-r a 10+00% i*ncrea,se in re'ven'ues f+o'r t.h.e f_iscal 3'r_d q uarter endi'ng J,u l.y-,

2'0'0+7 comp.are.d w i-t+h t,h*e pri+or y e'a r whil,e fi_scal fou'rth resu'lts f*o,r 2*0_0+7 a'r,e on

tra'ck to exce ed t h'i+s year,?s thir d quarte-r res_ults.

O,N C_O add'.itionally pl,ans to increa,s,e servic.e of'fe'rings w,hich a.r.e curr,e ntly un*derwa.y.
Do'n?t w+a+i t f'o-r t.h.e n.e_w*s to c+o*m,e o'u t a.n,d l,o-s'e t'h-e oppo.rtu_nity to g-e't in fr'ont of the

g'eneral inve+s-ting public+. O*nc.ology M_e+d is in a multi bi+llion dol-lar ind'u stry w*h'e-r.e t_h.e'y a'r.e gain_ing mark-et sha*re r-apidly.

C+a*l*l y'o-u'r br-oker n,o w f.o,r O N*C.O+.

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